Sunday 10 July 2011

Lydian Walls

Following on from my earlier post, I made some (more) walls using the same techniques as described in detail previously.  They are about 20mm high.
I needed some sections with gates in them so made the doors out of cardboard, scored them to look like they were made from planks and inserted them into holes I'd cut in the polystrene.
Here's a little compound with some light hoplites (Magister Militum) marching about in it.  And here's a close-up of the gate which as you can see looks a little the worse for wear (again painted with emulsion from a tester pot).
When I make terrain items such as walls I tend to construct as many as I can at any one sitting and in fact I've probably got about a metre and a half of similar wall sections in the box now.

One of these days I'll get them all out and set them up with all the various buildings I've made and inflict pictures of them on you in a subsequent post.  The only problem with doing that is that I'll never get them all to fit back into the box again...

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